Monday, March 12, 2012


things you need the know about the people of bubiyan

kuwaitis are muslim , even if they don't act like it , they read quran alot , they pray , 99 perecent of them pray and it's important to them, ramadan is a big deal , we close all the bars and nightclubs and liqure shops , and kuwaitis become really religous in this month , even though they look at them selfs as modren muslims , 80 of them don't drink or eat pork.

they love love to eat outdoors , they love love love to shop , they love to exercise , they love love love reading books , they love love sports , big sports in bubiyan are local sports , basketball football tennis and golf , nascar and forlmula one , horse racing is Huge and ice hockey , these are the major and sold out sports in bubiyan and kuwait they are huge, they love to party alot , they love to go out alot. resturants and cafes are always filled with people , plus people here enjoy the food but they like to enjoy food like a slice of pizza and 3 forks of spaggeti to enjoy the taste , its not like they care about their weight but it became a habbit to enjoy the taste and the food . people of bubiyan are runners they love to run , and working out is a must. people here are healthy and fit and not alot of fat people.

people here love to look good and dress up , you won't find people looking unclean and unfashioned , they are good looking and take care of how they present themself to the world , and they smell good , smell real good with perfuems and body litions , they like it.

the size of bubiyan like i said before is the same with warba with bahrain and now i will add jahra city and 9abya city size to it..kuwait size is the same but will add al 5afji to it with al safanyaa .. kuwait already has 7 million people living in it 5 are kuwaitis and the rest are mixed , bubiyan has 6 million people , 4 million are kuwaitis and 2 million are mixed ..

the metro is underground and the only time you see  it is when it goes from warba to the airport ...the only thing you can see is the future taxi on the rail and it goes places that the metro doesnt..we have 300 future taxi and it has 8 seats in each with diffrenet stops..

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